Thursday, November 25, 2010

and the kisaan talks!!!

my response to shanky's response!!

Although I have quit playing farmville (after playing madly for a week)....but as I have a lot of free time so here goes farmville 2 in response to : 

* you cant do anything destructive in the game
- You can be destructive by being non constructive !!
--destroying others not yourself!
* its more of brotherly (or sisterly) love. the more you share the more you win!
- Not necessary . You can go the dhanendra soni way!
--and see where it leads! within a week he would have been with the lowest level!

* the game is as aimless as my life (maybe even more if thats possible!)
-If it wasnt aimless we wouldnt have being playing it :P
--no you play many a game with aim too (_which have a end_). think COD

* you get a lot of ribbons to decorate your farm (and come to think of it thats the aim of the game!)
-Who would miss 10k gold and 1k experience..and sadly we cant decorate those ribbons!
--a1 told me you can decorate with ribbons :(

* wheat is the cheapest
-cheap but low money+xp/per hour

* berries give maximum profit and grow quickly (heard a lot about raspberries)
-to grow berries you should be ready to abandon anything you might be doing when your berries are ready to be harvested!! Eating ,drinking, movies,talking anything!!
--my point still valid

* you need a lot of friends (a good way to add girls you wanna talk to :P)
-Not exactly as a LOT of those "girls" are 30+
--but surely some would be there under 30! and some of 50 million is good enough :P

* you keep sending gifts all the time
-Not necessary as given above
--dhaniya doesnt count!

* you keep refreshing the page to claim the gifts all the time
-If you havent got a good connection dont start playing!!
--you played for a week on bhu connection. if youre mad you can play even on mobile!

* you can have a farm size of max 28x28 (but that too aint the aim of the game!)
-Well the game IS supposed to be aimless ,then why should it strive to have an aim!!
--for a good dignified end (compare smallville to avatar)

* every time you grow something you have to do 400+ clicks thrice! (ofc depends on farm size)
-WEll, we have a LOT of free time so whats the harm :P
-cant argue

* everyone is too poor to use the tractor/harvester/seeder
-As I said LOTS nd LOTS of free time + we should ALWAYS avoid using up petrol when we can walk :P
--will remember that next time we goto spicy or for that matter anywhere else! and never say you dont have enough time!

* you can have animals (nah they also dont harm your farm)
-TO have animals you need to have a good handspeed to steal them before your "friends"
--good net connection to refresh the page every min!

* you can build yourself a house
-you cant build a house ,although you can BUY a pretty expensive mansion!
--then what the heck do the following do : nails planks and all the other stuff you kept fighting about!

* you can dress up your character (thats why girls play this for sure!)
-Who wouldnt want a virtual character with a MASSIVE mustache and a skully tshirt :P
--who wouldnt want a virtual character as a girl (a1)

* the girls goes out of sync so many times!
-time time time we have lots of 
--againc ant argue time factor! (after all it cant be worse than writing this post!)

* best way to earn experience is to join a co-op when its almost done!

* you can create multiple profile to help yourself! (more farms more tympass more clicks more gifts and blah blah blah)
-this works but might lead to severe hair loss in some cases

* last but not the least 50 millon ppl do play this!
* 54 and growing !! -1 me ofcourse!
--will take it as 54 only! pp would have created another profile to compensate for yours!

jai jawan jai kisaan

I have never played farmville.
I have that app blocked since god knows when

But recently all my friends turned into farmers and here is what I got to learn everytime I was with them:

  • you cant do anything destructive in the game
  • its more of brotherly (or sisterly) love. the more you share the more you win!
  • the game is as aimless as my life (maybe even more if thats possible!)
  • you get a lot of ribbons to decorate your farm (and come to think of it thats the aim of the game!)
  • wheat is the cheapest
  • berries give maximum profit and grow quickly (heard a lot about raspberries)
  • you need a lot of friends (a good way to add girls you wanna talk to :P)
  • you keep sending gifts all the time
  • you keep refreshing the page to claim the gifts all the time
  • you can have a farm size of max 28x28 (but that too aint the aim of the game!)
  • every time you grow something you have to do 400+ clicks thrice! (ofc depends on farm size)
  • everyone is too poor to use the tractor/harvester/seeder
  • you can have animals (nah they also dont harm your farm)
  • you can build yourself a house
  • you can dress up your character (thats why girls play this for sure!)
  • the girls goes out of sync so many times!
  • best way to earn experience is to join a co-op when its almost done!
  • you can create multiple profile to help yourself! (more farms more tympass more clicks more gifts and blah blah blah)
  • last but not the least 50 millon ppl do play this!

I guess I should get atleast 10-15 levels in farmville for knowing this much :P

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