Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Watching TV @ home

During these 3-4 days watched a lot of Animal Planet and Discovery.
First of all someone tell Austin Stevens (snakemaster) that snakes can bite yaar. How the heck can he play with them. He is either mad or does not know the meaning of word called 'fear'. Anyways he gives some nice shows (mean snakes).

Next good thing was Discovery Video. 'I love the world' one. Here is the YouTube link for those still unaware of it.

MP/MLA's for development or for parties?

Am still confused on this one. On what basis do we select our MP's or MLA's? On the basis of how they ersonally are or on the basis of which party they represent? Should I be voting for my constituency or should I be keeping national interests in mind? What to do with people who fit the title 'Right person in wrong party'. Should they suffer cause of their party or should party win cause of them? I know ideally it can be said that party is formed from them only so a right person will help form a right party. But this is not the case always.
So what exactly was the 'spirit of the constitution' when creating such a post? What i believe, it must have been for selecting the best people from all over India without any concept of parties or concept of abiding by party decision when you personally disagree. But its obvious that in such a system no leader can enjoy stability. But am sure it wasnt the purpose of constitution to elect puppets for the parties who are bound to it. Especially with Anti Defection Law in place you just cant afford to disagree with your party. But if they only wanted puppets then why have them even. Just ask people to vote for parties and they'll select some person for each constituency.
There was another issue I was thinking about and that was about how to ensure that a person can fight election with a limited amount of resources. It was more of ensuring that a person having more resources dont have so much advantage as a normal person. For guys in college it was like a government decision to make JEE paper such that difference between those going to coaching and those not able to access coaching have minimal difference while attempting the paper. Obviously there will always be a difference, coaching will give some advantage but the aim was to make it minimal. Similarly we need a way to ensure that more resources dont translate into much more votes in elections. Will write about this in another post.
For now still thinking what is the purpose of MP's/MLA's or whether I vote for the parties.
Anyone having any ideas??

Nice website

Was surfing through new sites (mostly of India) when I came across BBC website. It was good to visit a website where you can choose what news you want and everything. It was on the lines of iGoogle where you can choose all the tabs you want. And this too without any login and stuff. Maybe they store it in cookies or donno about it but a good concept :)

Similarly I came to know of Gmail Chat Bot of IBN from my friend in college. It mostly covers Indian news and instantly provides news updates for major topics. You can just add it on gmail/gtalk

Deadly Roads

I was just looking at the statistics for deaths due to road accidents. Now it was no surprise that they are high enough in India given the way DL can be obtained and lightings on the road. But yes I was astonished when I saw the death toll in USA with so advanced technologies and where I know for fact that people do fail to get DL.

Car Crash Stats: There were nearly 6,420,000 auto accidents in the United States in 2005. The financial cost of these crashes is more than 230 Billion dollars. 2.9 million people were injured and 42,636 people killed. About 115 people die every day in vehicle crashes in the United States -- one death every 13 minutes.

Now this is from 2005 but even in 2005 USA was advanced enough. So we can be certain that cause of road accidents is not lack of technology. Then how can they be tackled. Because 45000 is a large number. If they can spend billions for the killing of few thousand in WTC 2001 then they must surely be doing something for 45,000.
And what does it mean for us? If we anywhere fear death then we must fear it the most on roads. Cause this is the only place where most people die, I guess for most of the countries.

LINK to the page which I found. Seems genuine enough.

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