Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Civil Services Bill, 2009

Article from TOI


  • Will take out such moves that are currently being seen in UP. CM wont be able to transfer officials at will.
  • Will involve Opposition in such appointments. I have always believed that appointments of posts such as EC, CBI Chief, Supreme Court Judges (they are still decided by a panel) and of posts like Auditor General should be done with consensus. I know for consensus it may be that there is no appointment if Opposition plays a destructive role but it will also ensure that these bodies remain independent. It could be done with say 75% majority with no party allowing 'whip' in such cases. So that even honest members in destructive parties can help in breaking a deadlock. And I believe that more than 75% of our MP's are good enough. Its another matter that just the bad ones keep showing their faces in public.
  • Better criteria for appointment for top posts.

  • Directly conflicts with the federal structure of India. Centre having say in administrative tasks of states.
  • Administration is there to assist the CM in its working. With CM bound by these rules in administrative postings it may not be able to perform to its full potential.

What can be done is:
  • Newly elected government should have right of transferring any official without any rules.
  • Central body should not be too much involved in the process. And in any case it should not have the final say. This is to ensure that centre does not take over the state.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Better Times!

Well going by the present results I just feel that maybe world is heading in a better direction. If not the world then definitely India.

No its not about the sensex gaining 15K or our percapita income rising t0 300$ but its about the way people are using the system.
First and most important the elections. Ok I am happy that Congress won but more than that I am happy that efficient governments were rewarded. Be it JD(U) in Bihar, BJD in Orissa or Congress in Delhi and Andhra. Here they won elections only because of their efficient working. Majority voted for them because of their performance. No comments for Gujrat cause I just can understand them but yeah they voted for BJP for development and transparency (I can write a whole post on that and debate all day long so just leaving it there).
The point is that people even in rural area not just voted for caste and religion but for development. And this directly resulted in less number of criminals being selected.

Another point is freedom of Election Commission, Judiciary, media and acts like RTI in has 10 years or so have given much more confidence in the system.
Also number of steps that are being doled out to strengthen Social security can bring about the biggest development of this country by erasing or reducing poverty. Who will be poor if everyone has assured job no matter if its menial, gets food at low cost even if its not much and has a roof. This may not bring about the desired change but it will give confidence to people to go into new areas. Like if everyone has food and roof then even a poor may start sending his children for education. Even poor will start accessing the health facilities provided by the government. And this can bring the change.

Next is the speech of Obama in Cairo. I always wondered why cant politicians be direct in saying what they feel. Do they themselves lack the convictions in their own beliefs? Do they themselves feel that what they feel is incorrect even according to themselves? But for the first time I had someone saying out what he truly feels. Ok he didnt exactly apologise for Iraq or Israels attack but maybe he doesnt feel like apologising. And who would want to criticize one's own army. But even though he defended Israel he spoke for Palestine. Standing in Egypt he talked of democracy, women's right and other things of which diplomatically he was warned against. He talked of not leaving Afghanistan, of again attacking terrorist hideouts if necessary. But in the same line he talked of Peace and of talking their way out of misunderstandings.

I know that I am being too optimistic maybe cause still the world is suffering may it be attacks in Pakistan or even India. Just read that a Major died today in J&K encounter. So everything is ofcourse not peaceful. But I fell that world is heading in a right direction. Didnt felt the same when both Bush and Modi were re-elected somewhere around 2002.

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